Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Stanley: War? Who are we at war with?

Gabriel: Anyone who impinges on America's freedom. Terrorist states, Stanley. Someone must bring their war to them. They bomb a church, we bomb 10. They hijack a plane, we take out an airport. They execute American tourist, we tactically nuke an entire city. Our job is to make terrorism so horrific that is becomes unthinkable to attack Americans.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

What is Iraq upto

Iraq. Once it was Saddam's territory. Today it Bush's territory. Quite a change! But one thing remains constant - Killings . Every day people are killed just becasue they are either Sunni or Shiite. Read this news item -
********************************************************************************** Killed for the sake of a name ----- By Aqeel Hussein in Baghdad and Colin Freeman(Filed: 02/04/2006) For police in Baghdad's Al Adil neighbourhood, the 14 corpses looked like the products of just another night's work in Iraq's sectarian war. All were young Sunni men, all had been killed with a bullet to the head and all were found dumped at a tip.Only when they noticed their identity cards - carefully placed on the victims' chests - did officers realise what else they had in common. All shared the same first name: Omar.Men lift the coffin of a slain relative outside Yarmouk Hospital The victims' only crime, it seemed, was to be namesakes of Imam Omar, a prominent historical figure in the Sunni religious tradition. Until recently, it would have been no more a statement of faith than a Christian being called John, Peter or Paul. *************************************************************************************** So is Iraq heading for a civil war? Well its already into it. It started when U.S. troops arrived in Baghdad. It began when Sunnis discovered what they had lost, and Shiites learned what they had gained. And the worst is yet to come.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Mini Civil War in L.A.

On March 3rd 1991, Rodney King was arrested for speeding. He was on parole from prison. When he was stopped after a high speed pursuit, four LAPD police officers, beat him up brutally. This incident was captured on video by some gentleman from his apartment. Media soon sensationalized it. World could see Rodney being beaten up “BLACK and BLUE” (read black by the blue). An year later, three of the officers were acquitted. This “not guilty” verdict was passed by a jury of ten whites, one Latino, and an Asian sparked the most devastating L.A. Riots … Read on …

Verdict was given on April 29, 1992 and the very same day ”Mini Civil War” erupted in L.A.


Day one

The acquittals of the LAPD officers came at 3:15 PM local time. By 3:45, a generally peaceful crowd of more than 300 persons had appeared at the Los Angeles County Courthouse, most protesting the verdict passed down a few minutes before. Between 5 and 6 PM, a group of two dozen officers confronted a growing crowd at the intersection of Florence and Normandie. Outnumbered, these officers retreated to regroup and to get proper equipment and to organize a proper response. However, they never came back. One of the most famous images of the riots appeared at the intersection of Florence and Normandie, the intersection earlier abandoned by police.

Reginald Denny, a white truck driver stopped at a traffic light on the intersection of Florence and Normandie Ave, was dragged from his vehicle and severely beaten by an angry mob of young black men as news helicopters hovered above, recording every blow, including a concrete fragment connecting with Denny's temple and a cinder block thrown at his head as he lay prostrate in the street. The police never appeared, having been ordered to withdraw for their own safety, although several assailants were later arrested and one sent to prison. Denny was rescued by black neighbors who, seeing the assault live on television, rushed to the scene. Denny would recover after brain surgery; due to the live coverage he remains the best-known victim of the riots.

Just minutes after Denny was rescued and at the same intersection, another victim was beaten on video tape. Fidel Lopez, a self-employed construction worker and Guatemalan immigrant, was ripped from his truck and robbed of nearly $2,000. A rioter smashed his forehead open with a car stereo as another rioter attempted to slice his ear off. After Lopez blacked out, the crowd spray painted his chest, torso and genitals black. Lopez survived the attack after extensive surgery to reattach his partially severed ear and months of rehabilitation.

Arsonists struck in that neighborhood and others, taking out their anger on unguarded businesses. Looters threw bricks to smash windows and Molotov cocktails to start fires. Cars were torched to block intersections; others were carjacked and their drivers beaten. Rescue personnel were shot at. By darkness, stores were being openly looted and fires burned unfought as fire officials refused to send firemen into personal danger. The LAPD ordered all officers to report for duty, and many deployed in riot gear, but they were unseen in broad sections of the city.

Protesters threw rocks and damaged some downtown buildings and windows.
Police chief Daryl Gates, long criticized for perceived racism and corruption in the department, later drew sharp rebuke for attending a political fundraiser that evening. Long-established LAPD tactics and procedures held that the opening hours of a riot were critical, and that a full-force response was required. The LAPD did not respond quickly and decisively in the opening hours, however, and suffered persistent criticism as a result during and following the riots. Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley called for a state of emergency at 8:45 PM, prompting Governor Pete Wilson to activate 2,000 members of the national guard.

In response to the violence Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley commented that the verdict in the King trial "will never blind us to what we saw on that videotape." President George H.W. Bush said, "The jury system has worked. What's needed now is calm respect for the law."

Second day

By the second day the violence appeared widespread and unchecked. Open gun battles were televised as Korean shopkeepers took to using firearms to protect their businesses from crowds of looters. Organized response began to come together by mid-day. Fire crews began to respond backed by police escort. California Highway Patrol reinforcements were airlifted to the city. Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley declared a state of emergency and announced a dusk-to-dawn curfew. President Bush spoke out against the rioting, stating that "anarchy" would not be tolerated. The California National Guard, which had been advised not to expect civil disturbance, responded quickly by calling up some 2,000 soldiers, but could not get them to the city until nearly 24 hours had passed. Initially, they would only secure areas previously cleared of rioters by police. Later, they would actively provide firepower for law enforcement.

Third day

The third day was punctuated by live footage of a shaken Rodney King asking, "Can we all get along?" State guard units (doubled to 4,000 troops), continued to move into the city in Humvees. Additionally, a varied contingent of 1,700 federal law-enforcement officers from different agencies began to arrive, to protect federal facilities and assist local police. As darkness fell, the main riot area was further hit by a power outage.

Friday evening, President Bush spoke to the nation, denouncing "random terror and lawlessness. He turned to the Rodney King case and a more moderate tone, describing talking to his own grandchildren and pointing to the reaction of "good and decent policemen" as well as civil rights leaders. He said he had already directed the Justice Department to begin its own investigation, saying that "grand jury action is underway today" and that justice would prevail.

By this point, many entertainment and sports events were postponed or cancelled.

Fourth day

On the fourth day, 4,000 soldiers and Marines were ready to deploy from Fort Ord and Camp Pendleton to suppress the crowds and restore order. Calm began to reappear as the Army and Marines arrived with Abrams Tanks and Armored Personnel Carriers. With most of the violence under control, 30,000 people attended a peace rally. By the end of the day a sense of normality began to return. Others simply holed up at home and watched television coverage.

Whether in response to the riots, or simply to the verdict, on May 2 the Federal Justice Department announced it would begin a federal investigation of the Rodney King beating.

Fifth day

In an isolated incident, a motorist was shot in an evening encounter with National Guardsmen.

Sixth day
Mayor Bradley lifted the curfew, signaling the official end of the riots, sporadic violence and crime continued for a few days afterward. Schools, banks, and businesses reopened. Federal troops, reluctant to leave residents unprotected, would not stand down until May 9; the state guard remained until May 14; and some soldiers remained as late as May 27.


After the riots, pressure mounted for a retrial of the officers, and federal charges of civil rights violations were brought against the officers. Near the first anniversary of the acquittal, the city tensely awaited the decision of the federal jury; seven days of deliberations raised speculative fear of an incendiary outcome in the event of a not guilty verdict. Officer Laurence Powell and Sergeant Stacy Koon were found guilty and another two acquitted

Precautionary measures were taken by the government and media

The incident remains a major symbol of what many perceive as ongoing racism against Blacks by American police. The case is part of a long legacy of police victimization of Blacks dating back to the 1800s.

Source: Wikipedia


These riots resulted in 50-55 dead and more than 2000 injured and yes it also inspired Aerosmith to compose ...

There's something wrong with the world today
I don't know what it is
Something's wrong with our eyes

We're seeing things in a different way
And God knows it ain't His
It sure ain't no surprise

We're livin' on the edge

There's something wrong with the world today
The light bulb's getting dim
There's a melt down in the sky

If you can judge a wise man
By the color of his skin
The mister you're a better man than I

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Soaking in blood


Month -- no. of deaths

May-03 -- 554
Jun-03 -- 573
Jul-03 -- 633
Aug-03 -- 781
Sep-03 -- 543
Oct-03 -- 485
Nov-03 -- 460
Dec-03 -- 524
Jan-04 -- 562
Feb-04 -- 580
Mar-04 -- 953
Apr-04 -- 1227
May-04 -- 612
Jun-04 -- 829
Jul-04 -- 746
Aug-04 -- 812
Sep-04 -- 893
Oct-04 -- 894
Nov-04 -- 1490
Dec-04 -- 882
Jan-05 -- 993
Feb-05 -- 1148

Mar-05 -- 734
Apr-05 -- 955
May-05 -- 1181
Jun-05 -- 1188
Jul-05 -- 1393
Aug-05 -- 2078
Sep-05 -- 1211
Oct-05 -- 1100
Nov-05 -- 1192
Dec-05 -- 916
Jan-06 -- 613**
Feb-06 -- 524**